SDF or Silver Diamine Fluoride
Silver Diamine Fluoride use in dentistry is backed by research for its ability to stop tooth decay without drilling. SDF is a conservative approach to stopping cavities, especially in baby teeth that will be lost in a short time. Dr. Santos and her team can explore with you if Silver Diamine Fluoride treatment is right for your child.
What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?
Silver Diamine Fluoride, or SDF, is an FDA-approved antibiotic liquid that can stop cavities from moving deeper. While this treatment probably won’t prevent the need for a restoration in the future, it’s quick and easy to apply with a brush.
The Procedure
After the treatment area is air-dried, Dr. Santos applies the Silver Diamine Fluoride to the cavity using a small brush. Then, a fluoride-infused sealer is placed over the Silver Diamine Fluoride to complete the process.
A follow-up appointment a week or two later makes sure the Silver Diamine Fluoride is working, and a second application is applied.
After Silver Diamine application, daily home treatment with a fluoride rinse (like ACT) is recommended. Plus, twice daily brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste and flossing should be continued.
What to Expect After Treatment
After your child’s appointment, you may notice some darkening of gum, tooth, or skin anywhere that SDF made contact. The tooth decay where the Silver Diamine Fluoride was applied will also discolor. This change indicates the SDF is working to stop the cavity.
Silver Diamine Fluoride is a safe and effective way to stop some areas of decay. However, if your child has a knownsensitivity to silver or other metals, please let us know before their appointment.