Cleaning & Prevention
Your smile deserves the best care, and a regular preventive routine helps keep cavities and gum disease at bay. Your hygienist and Dr. Santos at ABC Dental Union City help you minimize future dental treatment with a proactive approach to your health.
A solid home care routine usually includes brushing twice daily and flossing morning or night. But the best tools for oral care are the ones that feel comfortable in your hands. Various toothpaste, rinses, and flossing devices help you maintain a bright, healthy smile throughout your lifetime. ABC Dental Union City customizes suggestions for you to enhance your daily habits and make your professional cleaning appointments comfortable and efficient.
Your diet plays a key role in your oral health condition. Acidic foods and drinks erode the protective enamel on your teeth. But a balanced diet that avoids processed foods and refined sugars can help keep your teeth and gums in excellent health.
Regular professional exams and cleanings, a dedicated at-home hygiene routine, and a healthy, balanced diet play key roles in keeping small problems from developing into major treatment.
Oral Cancer Screening
At every visit, our team completes a medical history update and reviews any changes. Even small changes in the soft tissues of your mouth deserve our fullest attention. Early detection of oral cancer saves thousands of lives every year. Our highly-trained team keeps a watchful eye on teeth, gums, and the lining tissues of the mouth.
Learn more about oral cancer screening >
Teeth Cleaning
There’s nothing like the smooth, polished feeling of teeth after a cleaning! But our compassionate, registered dental hygienists do more than just polish your teeth. They carefully remove plaque, tartar buildup, evaluate for signs of gum disease, and much more!
Learn more about teeth cleaning >
Home Care
Excellent oral health is the product of a partnership between you and our team. But we depend on you to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy between appointments. Together, we’ll create a personalized plan with the latest training and techniques to help protect your smile.
Periodontal Therapy
Gum disease is the main reason adults lose their teeth, but it doesn’t need to be part of your story. A precise, strategic cleaning schedule coupled with a dedicated home care regimen can help control this chronic condition.